Nebraska App: UNL Ground Spray Estimates Droplet Size
Free droplet size calculator custom iPhone and Android application (app) created to aid growers and applicators by allowing users to quickly determine the droplet size and quality of an application using user-defined parameters.

Visual Expected Symptomology of Herbicides
Injury can result from herbicide applications. Being able to diagnose the herbicide that caused the injury is critical. With the recognition that chemistry, dose, and environment all play a role on how a sensitive species responds to a particular herbicide, we created a database in conjunction with Corteva to show the expected symptomology of a range of different herbicides at two doses across 14 different plants that are potentially sensitive to some or all of the herbicides. The searchable database allows for side-by-side comparisons of different combinations of the above listed factors.

New flight simulator at The Univeristy of Nebraska-Lincoln Pesticide Application Technology Laboratory
Our new pesticide application flight simulator is capable of replicating realistic airplane environments using our multi-purpose simulator and aid in nozzle selection and best application practices. Simulation may be adjusted to meet specific training requirements.